Monday, March 10, 2025

Stinson Lake stroll 2025 03 10

 Our small group of 10 set out for a refreshing morning walk along Stinson Lake Road, joined by a new member, Danielle, who we all made sure to welcome warmly. The fresh snow was like a storybook of the wild, covered in fascinating animal tracks—bobcat, owl, and even wolf—keeping us intrigued along the way. The crisp air hovered at a comfortable -4°C, with barely a whisper of wind, making for a perfect, leisurely Monday morning stroll. A great start to the week!


Sunday, March 09, 2025

Snowshow trail 2025 03 08

 For today's journey Dave took us on to the "snow shoe" trail. Brilliant sun, and -5 was just right. We stopped to feed the Chicadee's, and saw many tracks on the snow of rabbits, moles and pheasant. We were all happy to escort Emily on a hike on International Women's Day. Another great day in the woods. Always there to educate us Dave gave us the word of the day, Apricity, the warmth of the sun on a winters day.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Hikes cancelled 2025 03 06

 Both the 10am and 1pm hikes have been cancelled today due to the rain and melt we received on wed.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Camp Thompson from Stanrock Road 2025 03 04

 Six hikers spent a beautiful Monday morning snowshoeing along a snow-machine trail and side trail to Camp Thompson. Although the snow machines had not yet tracked a couple of other side trails that would have allowed us to vary our path on our return, it was a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours out in the woods.  

The snow in the woods was a smooth layer broken only by rabbit tracks or stumps or small trees breaking the surface.  The woods kept the wind barely noticeable so we could feel the warmth of the sun.  Birch trees are activley shedding outer layers of their bark.
We took our break at the covered shelter at Camp Thompson where we were treated to a group of students from a local elementary school, enjoying ice fishing and snowshoeing on an outdoor education adventure.

March 4th hike CANCELLED

 Today's hike (March 4th) is CANCELLED due to weather

Monday, March 03, 2025

TBA hike information 2025 03 03

 A note about TBA hikes on our calendar. From time to time you may notice TBA on a hike day, this can happen for many different reasons but the important thing to remember is that this does not mean the hike has been cancelled. The group that shows up can still decide and go on a hike that interests them and that they agree on, the only difference is that if there are no waiver sheets signed then the hike is un-sanctioned, it is just a bunch of friends getting together for a hike. Sometimes there will be a hike leader show up and they will take the group as per usual. So, if you see a TBA don't let that discourage you from showing up and enjoying a hike.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hikers Chicks 2025 02 27


Saturday, March 1st
Dinner at 17 Restaurant & a Movie “Love Hurts”
Meet at Scotiabank @ 4pm
RSVP by Friday at 1pm to Louise

Beaver Mtn 2025 02 27

 Nothing quite says winter snowshoeing with a view, like Beaver Mtn. Todays TBA group of 6 decided to keep it local and somewhere we have not been this winter, though weather was overcast spirits were sunny and all enjoyed getting out for a few hrs, hike was 3.5kms and took a little over 2hrs to complete.

P.S for some reason Flickr is only showing 5 of the 11 photos we took, they are aware of the issue and hopefully they get it resolved


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Paul Torrence snowshoe 2025 02 25

 Nine eager hikers donned their snowshoes after following protocol in order to cross Hwy 108 to the trail head of the Paul Torrence trail.  Well, hydro crews have been in there and have bulldozed a wide trough through lovely bush leaving sapling stumps sticking out to trip over and an intoxicating odor of newly cut wood, heavenly scent. We headed right toward the swamp following deep tracks from a machine until they ran out and we started breaking trail and very shortly the leader turned the group around and we headed back from whence we came and then took another passable trail toward Grants trail. 

When it ran out we sat on the top of the rut and had our break. Keith made us pretend that Mara was with us as he passed around her iconic plastic tub of chocolate and cheese. It was a lovely hike, warm weather and the conditions turned out okay but only because we didn’t have to break trail.  Thanks to Ruth for sweeping.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winterfest canteen sale at Collins Hall 2025 02 23

 Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped out today at Collins Hall...Nikki, Dave A. Ruth, Astrid, Louise, Renee, Larry, and Keith... My apologies If I have forgotten anyone, if there are any photos from the morning shift please send them in so I can post.
